Rhett ...
has been working like crazy, Getting ready for their big Grand Reopening! We are super excited that his new schedule gives him some weekends off. We were definitely missing going to church together, and I was especially not looking forward to walking to church in the heat! He is really loving his new position and the new people he works with. He's made alot of new friends at work and they get together once a week and play basketball. He was also able to take a trip to California with some of his coworkers for store training. I am so proud of him for being such a hard worker. No matter where he works, he is successful. I love that about him.When he's not working he is busy playing with Bryce and Raef
and being my best friend!
is just wonderful.
Being super cute like always.
He has been working on using the potty and is getting pretty good at it. We discovered that if we don't make a big deal about it, he does better. So we got the idea to let him go all by himself. We set up his stool, lifted the toilet seat, and left the light on. Then we told him if he had to go he didn't have to ask, he could just go all by himself, and it's working really well! It's so cute to see him stop playing and run in there all by himself and go potty! I'm so proud of him! He has also been taking trips to the library with me. He has a hard time choosing just a few books, so we usually leave with seven or eight, then once we get home he wants to sit down and read all of them at once! I can't complain though. I love that he enjoys it as much as I do! The library has become one of our families favorite places! I even got Rhett hooked when I told him they had more than just books!haha! We have also been working on him saying the prayers. He has always been good about folding his arms and being quiet, but now he says them to. Before he goes to bed Rhett will ask him what we have to do and Bryce will just kneel down and fold his arms. I love it.
He has just recently started to LOVE his guitar! When we play loud music he will run and get it and start rocking out! It's to cute!
Our little hick
seems to be growing up so fast. He is going on six months old and moving around like crazy. He loves to roll around on the floor and play with his toys. He's already trying to get up on his knees and crawl, but is to wobbly still, good thing to because I am not ready for a crawling baby.
He is still just the happiest baby ever, always laughing and smiling. We started him on baby foods this last week and he loves them. He loves his vegetables, which is so much different than with Bryce.
He is such a fun little guy. We love him so much!
We also got to visit Larry and Molli for a weekend, which was so much fun! He was just recently restationed and didn't have to actually start working for a month, so they decided to come here and visit! We have missed them so much, but Aiden and Bryce played like they have known each other forever! Brandi and Michael were able to come out one of the nights we were there also, and little Madden played really well with them also. It's nice for Bryce to play with other kids his age. I'm pretty sure he gets sick of me sometimes!!
Little Allison is possibly the most adorable little girl ever! She has the lightest blue eyes and big smile! She made Rhett and I reconsider being done having kids!haha! Especially once she warmed up to Rhett. She would just put her arms up to him like they were best friends! It was so cute! I know that Larry is doing what is best for his family, and I am proud of him and how hard he is working. I just wish they didn't have to be so far away!! We have missed having all the family together like that! It was a great weekend!
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